Alexander Amosu is a Nigerian-British luxury designer and an entrepreneur extra-ordinaire. Born in London to Nigerian parents, he made his first million pounds at age 24 in 1999, when he launched the first urban ringtones company, Rnbringtones in Europe. As a witty business executive that he is, Amosu curated his enterprise to achieving a stunning feat of establishing Alexander Amosu brand, Mind of an Entrepreneur (helping people with entrepreneurism), Lux Afrique, which is the first pan African Lifestyle and Concierge service. The graduate of South Bank University in 2012 launched Kamson Luxury Group, thereby acquiring luxury brands to take course in Africa. In furtherance of his adept ideas in business, he also launched his cigar business in 2018, and which made him the first African owned cigar company.

However, he got a space in the Guinness World Records for the creation of the most expensive suit in the world. In addition, Amosu’s £240,000 Diamond Encrusted BlackBerry Curve 8900 is ranked the world’s most expensive BlackBerry cell phone. The Ogun State descent (Southwestern Nigeria) is also credited with producing the worlds’s most expensive champagne, as well as exclusive phone designs for Apple, Samsung, Motorola, BlackBerry Limited.
The United Kingdom resident was listed among the 100 most influential Black British.
In terracing his wealth of expertise in business, Amosu has been a keynote speaker in many events on the global scale.