Death they say is “an imminent end”, because we are all mortals. But, irrespective of going about to live with that platitude, the world still revolves around people. With the world population at an approximate of 7.8 billion persons as of March 2020, there is a parochial class of people that the entirety of the world acquiesce to their reverence due to their attainment of wealth and power.
In this light, Duke International Magazine parades for you the league of the most protected personalities in the world.

Most Protected Billionaire: Donald Trump
Donald J. Trump, an heir apparent businessman, who dubs as the current president of the United States. His net worth stands at $3 billion. In May 2017, the U.S Congress passed a federal buffet plan that shelled out a jaw-breaking $120 million for an entire year of security for President Trump and his whole family, which was just a few million dollars shy of what it would cost to safeguard erstwhile President Barack Obama for the eight years of his two terms.

Most Protected President: Vladimir Putin
Vladimir Putin, just like other political figures in Russia, is protected by the Federal Protective Service (FSO). The Federal Protection Service is a powerful, multi-purpose, and extremely secretive agency. There has been lingering rumors that FSO officers use a presidential body double for Putin’s riskiest performances, be it diving to the bottom of Lake Baikal or flying a fighter jet.

The FSO officers are dressed in black suits with a microphone in the war; at times, they wear civilian apparels to get lost in the crowd. Only the most trusted work there. The FSO officers protect not only the president, but also judges, officials, witnesses, and even official sites like the Kremlin and the State Duma.

Most Protected Dictator: Kim Jong-Un
Everyone is bewildered on how exactly does a man go about his day while being constantly worried about several constant attempts on him, and competitions from within his own circle of power? As it pans out, Kim Jong-Un doesn’t just have a personal secret service detail protecting him from close range.

He has his own 100,000 man army with a command structure that directly reports to him. This unit is however known as the Supreme Guard Command. One could hardly tell his troop is surrounding him always, as they virtually disappear into the background and spectacles.

Most Protected Sovereign: Queen Elizabeth II
She is the first U.K monarch who celebrates her sapphire jubilee, thereby making her 65-year reign in 2017. The Queen has been protected by the royal guard, a name bestowed upon the infantry and cavalry who stand guard at the royal residences. The foot guards are the ones who patrol the parameters of the royal residences, the soldiers wear the red tunics and couple it with tall bearskin hats. Navy fleets have mounted to the Queen’s guard depending on the task or the royal family method of travel.

They have postings at Buckingham Palace windsor castle, the bank of pacquette, and the Tower of London. In 2010, the expenses on her security was speculated to cost around £100 million a year to give the 21 members of the family around-the-clock security.

Most Protected Celebrity Couple: Jay-Z and Beyoncé
Apriori an incident in Brazil where a fan managed to get on stage and pull Beyoncé down to the floor, her husband decided to ramp up their security for millions of dollars. Jay-Z hired five new personal security guards who were all former intelligence officers to accompany the five guards that had already been assigned to his wife when she travels on top of a manpower. The rapper also purchased two bomb-proof Latvia SUVs, the same protective military-grade vehicles quite similar to those frequently used by former President Barack Obama.
Fun-fact: Their newborn child also has a security detail with an estimated worth of about $1 million.

Most Protected CEO: Mark Zuckerberg
Since 2015, Mark Zuckerberg has spent around $20 million on security with $7.3 million going towards his own personal bodyguards. These bodyguards are often called a ‘Zuckerberg Secret Police’. It is made up of 16 full-time guards who work in shifts always. With the company known for notoriously accumulating massive amounts of personal data from its users and selling that information to the highest bidder, Zuckerberg seems to prefer keeping his personal life a secret to his company.

Most Protected Religious Leader: Pope Francis
The pope is both the bishop of Rome and ex officio leader of the world. Being the head of the Catholic Church and just like the president of a country, the pope also needs an utmost protection. He is protected by spears, who are actually a high-end military force made up of top ex-Swiss soldiers, they can subdue a threat in a matter of seconds. Aside from the spears, they also have the finest firearms hidden away in case any need arises. The Swiss guard is over 500 years old, making it the longest standing military in the world.

Most Protected Human Body: Vladimir Lenin
It certainly come astonishing that one needs not be alive to be considered valuable and worth protecting. Located in Red Square, Moscow, Russia, is a mausoleum that currently serves as the resting place for the former Russian leader, Vladimir Lenin, since 1924. With a few exceptions during wartime, there has been a honor guard that has kept watch over his body 24/7 for the past 95 years. It is rumored that the soldiers are told that the body of Lenin is the most important asset of Russia. The Kremlin regiment, which is a unique military order, is part of the Russian Federal Protective Service. With its special unit status, the regiment ensures that the security of the a Kremlin, its treasures, and the state officials including Lenin himself.