The United Nations describes the human development index as the key economic tool for measuring legends of achievement in major areas of human development. As the preponderance of African countries falls within the developing range of economics, some are however leveraging on their human capital ease life for their citizenries.
These indicators include longevity, literacy and income distribution.
Here are the top five (5) developed countries in Africa.
Seychelles is an island made up of 115 countries that off the coast of East Africa. The nation has met almost all of the Millennium Development Goals and is also the richest in Africa.
The economy of Seychelles depends on tourism, agriculture, and fishing with tourism industry employing most of the labour force. Seychelles is still plagued by low wealth distribution.
Seychelles’ has a Human Development Index value of 0.782 making the most developed nation in Africa. It is ranked at 63 out of 188 countries and territories.
Mauritius economy is dominated by its agricultural, tourism, and service sectors. The economy also attracts local and foreign investors with a human development Index value of 0.781. This value places it in the high development category and gives it a ranking of 64th out of 188 countries and territories. The average Mauritian is supposed to take home US$17,948 annually.
The economy of Tunisia is dependent on the manufacturing, services, tourism and mining sector. The World Economic Forum ranked Tunisia as the most competitive country in Africa in 2009.
At the end of 2015, Tunisia had a Human Development Index value of 0.725. This value placed it in the high human development category and a ranking of 97 out of 108 countries and territories.
Algeria, the largest country in Africa whose economy is dominated by oil.
Algeria has a Human Development Index value of 0.745 and the 83rd position of 188 countries and territories. The GNP per capita is US$ 13,533.
South Africa
South Africa’s economy is the second largest in Africa after Nigeria. The country’s GDP is supported by the agricultural sector, industry and tertiary services sector, the latter being the main contributor.
South Africa’s Human Development Index of 0.666 placed it in the medium development category and positioned it three spaces in front of Cape Verde (119) on the list of developed nations.