Nelson Kwaje is a South Sudanese entrepreneur. He is the founder of WEB 4 ALL Ltd, an ICT company that provides innovative ICT solutions with the aim of bridging the Literacy gap in Africa and building sustainable ICT4D (ICT for development) solutions.
Nelson has been championing #defyhatenow’s Digital Media and Training teams since 2017. In this role, he has been able to work on initiating several campaigns focusing on creating a space for people to express their opinions online without the need to dehumanize others or spread false information that might jeopardize the safety and comfort of fellow citizens. He is also involved with several regional and international fora involved in the development of the internet and right of citizens Africa such as: Network of African Youth for Development, Internet Society, ICANN, KICTANet, and Africa CMS Summit.
An avid problem solver, Nelson is a risk taker and enjoys taking on new challenges. He spends part of his time leading “Design 2 Transform “, a grassroots ICT initiative that provides ICT training to young people in East Africa and gives a voice to CBO’s online.
Nelson Is a Cisco certified network associate and holds a Diploma in Information Technology from the Technical University of Kenya.
He was in 2020 named on the list of 100 Most Influential Young Africans by YouthLead.