Leon Howard: From Prison To A Self-Taught Wall Street Wizard

by Duke Magazine

Leon Howard was 16 years of age when he was arrested charged as an adult for attempted murder and armed robbery. After his arraignment in court, he was found guilty and 10 years conviction was splashed on him into Louisiana state penitentiary.

The native of New Orleans, United States just nine years old when he witnessed the gruesome maiming of his mother who was shot haphazardly to death.

In the wake of his mother’s demise, he braced up to earn livelihood by any means, thereby pushing hard to survive the ‘street’ life. Dealing in illicit acts got him convicted for the aforementioned two-count charge.

Howard spent his jail term working as a landscaper for eight cents per hour time in one of Louisiana’s notorious outdoor hard labor prison camps. 

He made a decision of upturning his life while behind bars, and he put his mind into studying the stock market. Howard was then fortunate to meet a fellow inmate who further exposed him to the venture of the stock market.

Howard’s desire to delve into the stock market was overwhelming after his parole that he began to consume himself with articles on the stock market and watching CNBC every morning.

In a short while, he picked up a job as an iron-worker, and was saving 70% of his income towards actualizing his bigger investment in view. 

Now, a full-time investor and entrepreneur, Howard teaches others how to achieve the financial freedom he attained.

Howard started From The Trap To Wall Street to show people that they can get away from the trap, which he defined as “a state or condition of a people being financially trapped, unable to find the path to financial freedom no matter how many jobs or side hustles worked.”

The Wall Street wizard who got his deep knowledge by a 100% self-taught is now on a mission to help educate many people on investing to provide a level of hope that he was not afforded as a youth. 

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