Black people are neither tired nor hesitant of giving up on being reckoned forces of global anticipating development. Their wits are not withering and their tenacity for excellence is not going tamed. We grow as we lift others with us, and that is what Black people are reputed for. If Black people are not tired of smashing ceilings of stereotypical hindrances, then there is no halt to their celebrations because that is what life is all about.
In this July edition of Duke of the Month, we are celebrating two lustrous men of global reverence for hoisting the glory of Black culture in their respective endeavors. Our honor and recognition goes to Ndubuisi Ekekwe and Mamadou Biteye.
Ndubuisi Ekekwe

Ekekwe edited the book ‘Nanotechnology and Microelectronics: Global Diffusion, Economics and Policy’ which received the IGI Global 2010 “Book of The Year” Award. He also authored two books on electrochemistry and microelectronics.

An adjunct Professor of Engineering at Babcock University, Nigeria, he is a major player in the US semiconductor industry where he develops innovative microchips; he invented a microcontroller for medical robots.
Mamadou Biteye

Mamadou has served at The Rockefeller Foundation as Managing Director for the Africa Region, leading programs such as the Digital Jobs Africa initiative, Global Impact Sourcing Coalition, as well as developing partnerships with the African Development Bank (AfDB), the Gates Foundation, and USAID to support the Foundation’s work.

Before the Foundation, he held various leadership roles in Oxfam including Regional Director for West Africa Oxfam Great Britain, and Oxfam America, leading the development of regional strategies and programs.