Satta Fatumata Sheriff is a Liberian human rights activist and social entrepreneur. He is the founder and executive director of Action for Justice and Human Rights (AJHR), an NGO working to demand access to Justice and Respect for Human Rights in Liberia. Born in 1998, her campaign against human rights violations started at the tender age of nine when a 13-year-old girl was due to marry a 39-year-old man in her community, dismally felt about the action, Satta soon engaged the girl’s parents and the community leader thus stopping the marriage.
Becoming a peer educator at age 13, she creates awareness on the effect of stigma and discrimination on children and adolescents living with or affected by HIV/AIDS in Liberia. Garnering huge tenacity to challenge aberrations of justice and human rights in Liberia, Satta led a team of adolescent girls under the aegis of “Daughters of the Kings” to educate teenagers on sexual reproductive health, sexual exploitation and abuse, harassment, teenage pregnancy, child abuse, rape, the modes of transmission and preventive measures of HIV, STIs and STDs in Liberia.
Avidly pursuing this great cause, Satta is today a decorated activist achieving lofty feats. Satta has represented the girls and children of Liberia at the United Nations headquarters and the African Union headquarters to defend children and girls rights internationally. She was named among the 2020 100 Most Influential Young Africans. In 2016, the 23-year-old social advocate won the Most Influential Teenager and Influential Child Rights Advocate and Diana Princess of Wales International Awards.