Amazon Jeff Bezos ready to become world’s first Trillionaire

by Duke Magazine

Amid the novel coronavirus pandemic that is at the brink of ditching the global economy into recession, and with a loss of $38 billion to his recent divorce, the CEO of Amazon, Jeff Bezos could reach the affluent crescendo of being the first trillionaire by 2026. This envision is on the based on the analysis from Comparisun that observes his net worth growing at the 34% rate in recent years. 

Bezos’ wealth has been steadily increasing at an average yearly rate of 34% for the past five years, according to Comparisun, and that’s despite turning over Amazon shares worth about $38 billion to his ex-wife, MacKenzie Bezos, as an alimony.

Comparisun has made an in-depth observation at 25 of the world’s richest individuals, and discovered that only 11 had a realistic shot at becoming trillionaires during their lifetime.

Bezos will likely climb up the ladder first, but Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg could be the youngest, with his current steady growth rate on to put him in the four-comma club by 2036, when he would be 51.

Bezos’ net worth is currently approximately $138 billion, and has seen his fortune grow by $28.3 billion so far in 2020, according to Bloomberg .

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