Tour Africa: A Sneak Peek Into the World’s Smallest Church In Uganda Which Accommodates Only Three People

by Duke Magazine

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the smallest chapel in the world can be found on the Niagara River close to Niagara-on-the-Lake in Canada. Known as the Living Water Wayside Chapel, it was built in 1969 by the Christian Reformed Church and can contain only 6 people. This fact remained undisputed until recent findings in Uganda proved that the Guinness Book of World Records needs to be updated.
Discovered by two United Nations workers on an official mission while driving up the Biku Hill in Nebbi Town, Uganda, Solomon Oleny and his colleague, Miburu, together with their friend Godfred came across the magnificent chapel sitting gloriously on the hill.
The chapel has no known or given a  name yet but it’s popularly known as the Chapel on Biku Hill. Established in 1996, it was founded by now-retired Archbishop of the Church of Uganda, His Lordship Henry Luke Orombi in partnership with a Korean pastor known as Pastor Song.
Built with a mission to help Christians have a special interaction with God once they reach the hill and to have a very personal service, the magnificent but tiny building is built of stones with a height of 8ft and a width of 2.5 meters and forms part of a prayer center located on the mountain top.

The chapel accommodates only three people including the priest representing half the number of people who can fit into Canada’s Living Water Wayside Chapel which has been mistaken as the smallest church in the world.
According to Prime Uganda Safari, the whole center and chapel were built aiming at spiritual healing for persons and church groups who visit for a special and personal encounter with God.

There is no known contending chapel in the world, which makes the Chapel on Biku Hill the smallest chapel in the world. The chapel sits on the hill and overlooks Congo which is a walking distance from Biku. Several people still visit to pray for their country and neighboring countries.

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