Made In Nigeria: Innoson Vehicle Manufacturing (IVM)

by Duke Magazine

Who says made in Nigeria is not efficient and effective? Promoting an indigenous production enhances the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of a country, and which in turn boosts the national economy with a direct impact on the lives of the citizenry. We have the manpower and the technological endowment to make Africa economies thrive independent of foreign meddling and assistance.

Nigeria’s Federal Road Safety Corps use Made In Nigeria cars from Innoson.

Evident here are the Nigerian made military and paramilitary vehicles manufactured by Innoson Vehicle Manufacturing (IVM). An automobile  and bus manufacturing company founded in 2007 by Innocent Chukwuma Nwala, which its state of heart facility is situated at Nnewi, Anambra State. 70% of the car parts are produced locally, while the rest is sourced from Japan, China, and Germany.

Nigerian Army use Made In Nigeria vehicles and trucks from Innoson.

However, Innoson vehicles are being used in some West African countries like: Mali, Sierra Leone and Ghana.

Nigerian Police use Made In Nigeria cars from Innoson.

Since its inception, Innoson vehicles have manufactured over 10,000 vehicles from its factory.

Recently, Innoson vehicles are being used by the Nigerian Army, Nigerian Police Force, Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC), and Nigerian Fire Service.

Nigerian fire fighters use Made In Nigeria fire trucks from Innoson.

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