Harris Sextuplets Graduate On Same Day With Cute Photo

by Duke Magazine

Harris family sextuplets of Birmingham, Alabama, have recently graduated from the Center Point High School in the United States.

The incredible story of the first known surviving set of African-American sextuplets is regaining attention following their latest academic accomplishment.

The Birmingham family of sextuplets became a national sensation after their parents welcomed them into the world on July 8, 2002. In April 2007, they even appeared on The Oprah Show.

Harris sextuplets with their parents and relatives.

Diamond and Chris Harris welcomed their babies, two females, Kaylynne and Kiera, and four boys, Kaleb, Kobe, Kieran and Kyle after they used fertility medication to enhance conception.

Diamond’s first child from a previous relationship, Dewayne, was five, and the couple from Birmingham, Alabama, had been married over two years, but they were struggling to have a child. Diamond, who is a nurse, was prescribed fertility medications to by her doctor, who told them not to have a high hope.

Within that short while our medication usage, Diamond became pregnant, and the doctor excitedly told them it was twins. However, a sonogram showed them they were actually having five children.

Harris sextuplets at their 13th birthday with their mother.

Astonishingly, Diamond and Chris had welcomed the first-ever surviving set of African American sextuplets on July 8, 2002.

Later in 2018, the girls, Kaylynne and Kiera, and the four boys, Kaleb, Kobe, Kieran and Kyle marked their 13th birthday.

Today, the ingenious sextuplets are accomplished graduates of Center Point High School, and the kids have their futures well laid out.

 Kobe and Kalynne will be attending Alabama State while Kaleb and Kieran will be attending Alabama A&M.

Harris sextuplets celebrating their 16th birthday with family.

Kiera will head to Lawson State and Kyle will be studying life skills at a Center Point High School.

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