Deion Sanders Becomes Head Coach Of Jackson State University

by Duke Magazine

Deion Sanders has been able to joggle careers, as he transcends any space he occupies and brings spectacle to sports that players are still trying to emulate till today. On top of that, he isn’t just all talk when it comes to sports, Deion could hang with the best of them.

For the past few years, he has tried his hands at being a sports commentator and succeeded, but now, it seems like he is ready to get his hands dirty again. Sanders has officially accepted a role as head coach for Jackson State University a decision he says God called upon him to accept.

“I am truly blessed to be the 21st Head football coach of Jackson State University,” Sanders said in the school’s statement on Monday. “It’s my desire to continue this storied tradition and history of JSU and prayerfully bring more national recognition to the athletes, the university, the Sonic Boom of the South, and HBCUs in general.”

Sanders’ move comes at a pivotal time amongst racial tension in our country that promoted more pro athletes to start urging upcoming talent to stop ignoring HBCU’s as a choice for college. Many pointed out their high school time has built the foundation and scouts will follow their journey even if it isn’t on the traditional path. With Sanders now the head of an HBCU team and securing a powerhouse partnership with Barstool Sports, recruiting will be a primary goal for him, which could shift the sports landscape in the favor of HBCUs.

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