Police Arrests Father & Son Accused of Shooting Ahmaud Arbery Dead

by Duke Magazine
Image credit: Handout/ Ahmaud Arbery

Police have confirmed the arrest of men alleged to have shot jogger Ahmaud Arbery dead.

Officers from the Glynn County Sheriffs Department Thursday arrested Gregory McMichael, 64 – a former detective and his son, Travis McMichael, 34, for Arbery’s murder.

The McMichaels were charged for felony murder and aggravated assault, according to Glynn County Undersheriff Ronn Corbett.

The father and son were being held at the Glynn County Jail in southeast Georgia.

Police said McMichael father and son trailed Arbery on February 23 as he jogged around their neighborhood of Satilla Shores in the small city of Brunswick. Prior to their arrest, the McMicheals admitted the stalking of the 25-year-old Arbery, this is because of their conviction that he was the brain behind the recent burglaries in the neighborhood. However, CNN reported that there were no reports of burglaries in the neighborhood during the ill-fated time in question.

Image credit: Courtesy of the Glynn County Sheriff’s Department / Glynn County Sheriff

The McMichaels claimed that they tried making a citizen’s arrest of Arbery, but he fought back as it was shown in a now-viral video, and tried to escape from the men with what appeared to be a bloodied torso as they block his path before collapsing.

The shooters have been gallivanting freely for over two months until the video hits at public domain, prompting an international outcry over the killing, and black folks like LeBron James raising an eye brow over the despicable act. The local district attorney has confirmed plans to convene a grand jury in the case.

Image credit: Courtesy of the Glynn County Sheriff’s Department / Glynn County Sheriff

Arbery’s family refuted the claim of their son being into any incriminating act. They also affirmed him simply jogging when the McMichaels family attacked him. They’ve said they want justice for their relative.

“It’s outrageous that it has taken more than two months for Ahmaud Arbery’s executioners to be arrested, but better late than never,” civil rights lawyer Benjamin Crump, who is representing the family, said in a statement. “This is the first step to justice. This murderous father and son duo took the law into their own hands. It’s a travesty of justice that they enjoyed their freedom for 74 days after taking the life of a young black man who was simply jogging. Yet, tomorrow, on Ahmaud’s birthday, his parents are denied the simple joy of celebrating with their son.”

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