Africa Day: A Push Towards Silencing Guns In Africa Continent

by Duke Magazine

African countries are celebrating Africa Day, 25 May 2020, with several activities notable of which is pushing forward the Africa Day theme: “Silencing the Guns in the context of the COVID-19”.

As a way of marking Africa Day, several African nationals like Africans in the diaspora as well as African descents have organized special cultural events that highlight the efficacy of African cultures and traditions. The commemoration that will be marked with virtual events amid the coronavirus pandemic.

A Virtual Conference (webinar), Silencing the Guns Initiative, organized by the African Union’s Department of Peace and Security is scheduled for May 25, 2020, at  3.00 p.m. 

The Organizers of the event stated their interest in sensitizing and generating interest amongst African Citizens about the link between development and peace. The African Union further says it is not just about guns, it is about what drives people to resort to firearms. This year’s Africa Day theme aims to address those underlying issues. The African Union also wants to encourage country-level and sub-regional programs of action towards silencing guns in Africa.

The concert can be viewed on the MTVBase YouTube channel.

Taking recognition of the power of music and the crucial role African artists play in the combat against COVID-19 on the continent, the music concert will be a channel of advocacy for financial contributions from Africa lovers to the Africa Union’s COVID-19 Response Fund. The African Union is also aiming at engaging African youth, especially young artists, to synergize with governments in fighting the coronavirus pandemic.

Africa Day is observed annually on 25 May, to commemorate the establishment of the Organization of African Unity (OAU), which was created on 25 May, 1963 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 

 The Africa day is observed as an official national holiday in Ghana, Gambia, Guinea, Namibia, Zambia, Mali, Mauritania, Lesotho and Zimbabwe.

This year 2020 marks the 57th anniversary of Africa Day. Besides celebrating Africa’s decolonization, it is also a day of sober reflection on how African countries can consolidate peace and democracy on the continent. Africa faces a myriad of daunting challenges that seek solutions.

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