Dear Deitch, Thank you for Giving Us ‘Tom & Jerry’ as a good taste of happy childhood.

by Duke Magazine
Deitch - Tom and Jerry

Gene Deitch, the American illustrator who made some of the greatest -animated cartoons of the 19th century, such as ‘Munro‘, ‘Tom Terrific‘, and ‘Nudnik‘, as well as the prominent cartoons, ‘Popeye‘ and ‘Tom and Jerry‘ series, is dead.

Deitch died in Prague (Czech Republic) on Thursday, April 16, 2020, at the age of 95.

Petr Hummel, His Czech publisher, told The Associated Press, that Deitch suddenly died at night between Thursday and Friday in his remote apartment in Prague’s Little Quarter home country. 

According to Wikipedia, Deitch’s ‘Tom and Jerry’ series took up in 1961 when the American production company MGM commissioned Deitch to produce 13 episodes of the animation in Prague with Rembrandt Films animation studios. Deitch then wrote the script and directed the cartoon up until 1962.

Deitch is survived by his wife and three sons from his first marriage, all of whom are great cartoonists and illustrators.

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