Brief Profile: Adebola Williams

by Duke Magazine

Adebola Williams is a Nigerian media entrepreneur, political activist, and a motivational speaker. Born with a “silver spoon”, but had to grind for survival in a hard way. In his teen years, he was aspiring to become an actor at which his first acting role got him just 50 cents.

Williams later started working as an assistant with a counselor and psychologist as a freelancer without any relevant qualification by which time he had chalked up 3 years worthy experience with the Nigerian Television Authority (NTA).

The partnership between Williams and Chude Jideonwo birthed ‘The Future Awards Africa’, and the subsequent co-founding of Red Media Africa.

Williams also co-founded EnoughisEnough (EiE), a Nigerian civic participation platform and a voice for young people in politics. He resigned and opted out as the board chairman for championing the rebranding of the incumbent Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari, where he effectively optimized media engagement to change the itching narrative of lingering perceptions and got the election won. This landmark election victory played the same fate in Ghana, as his media enthusiasm got the opposition candidate a win after three presidential election attempts.

Hence, these remarkable feats have apposition Williams’ consultancy firm in other regions of Africa.

In 2017, Williams went on a cross continental speaking tour which included several conferences at ivy league schools Harvard, Columbia, and Oxford. He also gave a speech at the 2017 Obama summit in Chicago.

His great initiatives in corporate marketing and communication spans through oil and gas to banking, technology to fast-moving consumer goods has really gotten Williams and Red Media Africa several awards on the continent from SABRE, Lapriga, Marketing Edge, Young Cannes, and the C4F Marketing awards in Davos. He is a writer of monthly column on brands and communication in The Guardian Newspaper. 

In 2019, the media mogul gave a speech at the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) Africa Summit at the European Parliament on democracy and good governance.

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