President of Madagascar, Andry Rajoelina, have laid claim that the only rationale behind the global disbelief of the Madagascar herb which ought to be treated with respect and urgency in treating and curing coronavirus is because the remedy is from Africa.
In an interview with French media at the beginning of this week, President Rajoelina reportedly said he has noticed what he believes stems from usual condescension toward Africans.
“I think the problem is that (the drink) comes from Africa and they can’t admit… that a country like Madagascar… has come up with this formula to save the world,” said the youngest African head of state.
If it wasn’t Madagascar, and if it was a European country that had actually discovered this remedy, would there be so much doubt? I don’t think so,” Rajoelina added.
The herb, COVID-Organics, is made from Artemisia, a plant imported into Madagascar in the 1970s from China to treat malaria. Artemisia has since proven a successful fight against malaria but the novel coronavirus, scientists have warned, is called novel for a reason.
The global health body, World Health Organization (WHO), has already given a stern warning against blind faith in medications that have not been held to “the same standards [for] people in the rest of the world.” The WHO continued that natural therapeutic measures against the coronavirus should also be critically interrogated “through rigorous clinical trials”.
Replying to the skepticism with which the WHO is treating the COVID-Organics, Rajoelina said, “No country or organisation will keep us from going forward.”
Today, Madagascar has reported that 102 of its 195 confirmed cases of the coronavirus have recovered, and with no fatality recorded in the country so far.
The likes of some African countries have already indicated a keen interest in importing the Madagascan-made recipe into their countries. Countries like Guinea-Bissau, Tanzania, DR Congo, Niger, and Nigeria.
To the foregoing, the Africsn Union has made its intention known to employ the Africa Center for Disease Control and Prevention, to do well in analyzing the scientific data gathered on the efficacy and safety of the supposed remedy herb ‘COVID-19 Organics’.