Woman Crush Wednesday (WCW): Sola David-Borha

by Duke Magazine

Olusola Adejoke David-Borha is a Nigerian bank executive who occupies the seat of chief executive of Africa Regions at the Standard Bank Group. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics at the premiere University of Ibadan before proceeding to bag Masters of Business Administration from Manchester Business School. 

Sola started her banking career at NAL Merchant Bank (now Sterling Bank), before moving on to work with a boutique investment banking firm, IBTC, which was later merged with two commercial banks to become IBTC Chartered in 2005. In 2007, Standard Bank Group acquired IBTC, and became known as Stanbic IBTC Holdings, where Sola served as deputy chief executive of the bank (Stanbic IBTC Bank), and head of international banking coverage in Africa (excluding South Africa), becoming chief executive of Stanbic IBTC Bank in 2011 and chief executive of Stanbic IBTC Holdings in 2012. 

She serves as a non-executive director on the board of CR Services Credit Bureau PLC and the University of Ibadan Business School. She joined the board of IBTC in July 1994. She has been a non-executive director of Coca-Cola HBC AG since June 26, 2015. She serves as a director of Fate Foundation, Redeemer’s International Secondary. She is also a member of the governing council of the Redeemer’s University. 

In 2017, she assumed the office of the chief executive of the Standard Bank Group.

In recognition of her impressive works, Sola was named Business Woman of the Year for the West Africa region in 2016 at the All Africa Business Leaders Awards. She was also named Business Woman of the Year for Africa.

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