Eddie Murphy pays tribute to Little Richard in a comedy show ‘Feeding America’ fundraiser

by Duke Magazine
Image credit: Allen Berezovsky / Getty

The legendary comedian, Eddie Murphy, has given fans a glimpse of the greatest soul legend you never heard of, Murray Murray, on Sunday during Feeding America Comedy Fundraiser. Murphy acted the character on the comedy special co-produced by Funny or Die and hosted by fellow comedians Kenan Thompson, Billy Crystal, Tiffany Haddish, and Byron Allen.

“If you got a record player, you know Murray Murray,” he said in the fake documentary. “If I got this voice and Jesus couldn’t sing, then it must be the Voice of the Lord. All I am is a gift from God.”

The fake doc also featured as guest appearances from President Barack Obama and late legend Ray Charles, who appraised Murray Murray. The fake soul legend earned credit for creating Charles’ signature glasses before having a kudos for one of Martin Luther King Jr.’s most famous speeches.

“I coined the phrase ‘I have a dream,’ before Martin Luther King. That was actually going to be the name of my album, ‘I Have a Dream.’ ” said Murray Murray. “He liked the way that flowed, with a good hook. He took that and run with it.”

Murphy’s ‘Feeding America’ segment was dedicated to music legend Little Richard, who passed away on Saturday.

There will be a re-broadcast  of  ‘The Feeding America’ special on The Weather Channel Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday starting at 8 p.m. EDT/PDT, and on Comedy.TV. You can check out a clip of Murphy’s skit over at TMZ.

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