Sunny Lambe is a Nigerian UK-based politician, community leader, and business consultant. He is the founder and CEO of Black Labour Movement UK. Being an elected British Labour Party and Cooperative Councillor, his political view undercuts the subject of liberal social democratic values with ideals of fairness, tolerance, equality, and social justice. With almost three decades of working as SME Business Management Consultant, Lambe’s focal points have been on public, private and voluntary sectors in the United Kingdom, as he has notably developed numerous youth and community empowerment initiatives in that regard.
As a lustrous community leader, he formed the Confederation of African Professionals UK in 1998 with the aim of representing interests of African professionals. Strongly driven to give African well representation, Lambe was a member of Southwark Group of Tenants and Residents Organization for several years, representing the interests of Southampton Way Tenants and Residents Association, dealing with issues around repairs, homelessness, re-housing, property insulation, children’s play area, cleaning, lift breakdowns, antisocial behaviour issues, etc.
However, with a keen belief to effect remarkable changes in people’s life, he charged up himself to establish Basic Business Initiative (BBI) in 2001 with a mission to promote entrepreneurship and self economic empowerment as a means to helping people topple poverty and social exclusion. He is the founder of Peckham Supplementary School (PSS), which is geared at providing young people with support in Math, English, and other youth engagement activities across his community. In furtherance, Lambe founded the Young Entrepreneur Game Award (YEGA), which is an annual enterprise competition that provides youths the platform to test their business and enterprise ideas for self economic empowerment.
With so much distinctions to the laudable professional community services of Lambe, he is highly decorated with laurels even as he upholds Black excellence in the diaspora. Some of the awards he has received are; Professional Excellence-Gathering of Africa’s Best Awards (2012); Honorary Liberty of the Old Metropolitan Borough of SouthWark, SouthWark Civic Awards (2012); Change Makers Best Practice Awards (2010); Change Makers Exemplary Business Awards (2011); amongst others.