Meet Yolanda Cuba, one of Africa’s most successful businesswomen raising others passionately to become just like them

by Duke

Yolanda Cuba is the MTN Group’s Vice President for the Southern and Eastern Africa. She previously held the positions of CEO of Vodafone Ghana and Group Chief Strategy Officer for strategy, new business, and M&A at Vodacom Group, which included South Africa, Tanzania, Mozambique, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Lesotho. Ms. Cuba has a wide range of experience, including in the financial services, fast-moving consumer products, and telecommunications industries.

She was one of the youngest CEOs of a JSE-listed business when she took the position at the age of 29, and over her 20 years of professional experience, she has received numerous awards for CEO/Business Personality of the Year.

She was also chosen by the World Economic Forum as one of the Young Global Leaders and recognised as one of the Choiseul 100 Africa by the Institute Choiseul (France).

The beauty and brain once served on the advisory board of the Stellenbosch University Business School. Notably, she also he founded the Cuba-Mtyi Foundation and has been a Trustee for the Nelson Mandela Foundation since 2022.

She graduated from the University of Pretoria with a Bachelor of Commerce, a Bachelor of Commerce (Hons), and a Master of Commerce degree. She is a trained CA (SA). She has completed programmes at INSTEAD, the Harvard Kennedy School, and the Harvard Business School.

Cuba is concerned about education and inclusive social and financial development.

Among the honours she has received are:

  • 2006- Top Empowered Business Woman of the Year by Top Companies
  • 2007-Youth Excellence award by the Black Management Forum

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