Leo Stan Ekeh: Like Nothing Else

by Duke

Leonard Stanley Nnamdi Ekeh was born on February 22, 1956, to a dietician mother and his father, a nurse in Ubomiri Mbaitoli, Imo State, Nigeria. He is the chairman and founder of Zinox Group. He also serves as Konga.com’s chairman.

For his secondary school education, Ekeh went to Holy Ghost College in Owerri. After moving to India, he attended university there and graduated from Punjab University with a Bachelor of Science in Economics. The University of Nottingham also awarded Ekeh an MSc in Risk Management.

In order to produce computers, Ekeh founded Zinox Technologies Limited in 2001. At the time of its debut, Zinox Computers already held the first WHQL certification in sub-Saharan Africa, which was solidified five years later with the achievement of the NIS ISO 2000: 9001 QMS Certification.

The business announced the launch of their Zipad computer tablet series in October 2013. Konga.com was purchased by Ekeh’s company Zinox in February 2018 for 99% of the total shares of the business.

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