The Healthcare Gap: Men’s Reluctance to Seek Medical Care

by Duke Magazine

Did you know? Men are 24% less likely to visit a doctor for regular check-ups compared to women.

This staggering statistic highlights a concerning trend:

  • Men often prioritize work and family responsibilities over their own health.
  • Social norms and masculinity stereotypes discourage men from seeking medical help.
  • Fear of diagnosis or treatment prevents men from addressing health concerns.


  • Delayed diagnosis and treatment of preventable conditions.
  • Increased risk of chronic diseases, such as heart disease and diabetes.
  • Reduced life expectancy (5.5 years less than women, on average).

Encourage the men in your life to prioritize their health:

  • Schedule regular check-ups.
  • Discuss health concerns openly.
  • Emphasize prevention over treatment.

Let’s bridge the healthcare gap and promote a culture of proactive wellness for all.

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