Rising Star: Nsikak Matthew’s Football Journey from Glenvale to Professionalism

by Duke

By December 24, 2024, NsikakinamAbasi Anietie Matthew will be celebrating his 15th birthday, marking not only a milestone in age but also in his burgeoning football career. Born to Akwa Ibom parents, Pastor Anietie Matthew and Mrs. Unyimeobong Anietie Matthew in Scotland, Nsikak has already made waves in the football community. His journey began with Glenvale Whites, where his exceptional talent shone through with remarkable statistics: 42 goals in 28 games during the 2022/2023 season, followed by 34 goals in 31 games the next season.

At Glenvale’s recent Award Night on June 21, Nsikak clinched both the Player of the Year and Top Goal Scorer awards, adding to a collection of accolades that underscore his prowess on the field. His innate ability for football became evident early on, as Mrs. Unyimeobong Matthew recalled how he demonstrated exceptional skills and passion from a tender age. “Since he was a child, we could see him always playing and dribbling with anything that looked like a football,” she reminisced in an interview.

According to Mrs. Matthew, Nsikak has garnered attention from several football clubs, signaling his imminent transition to professional football. “He has really been much sought after. As we speak, he will be joining another team, Johnstone Burgh, which plays professional football,” she disclosed proudly. The decision to support Nsikak’s football aspirations was natural for his parents, both athletes themselves, who saw their son’s talent as a continuation of family sporting prowess.

Reflecting on their own sporting backgrounds, Mrs. Matthew emphasized their unwavering support for Nsikak’s pursuits. “We never had any fear about supporting him because we (his father and I) are athletes,” she explained. “Sports is in our blood.” She highlighted their daughter’s achievements in netball and basketball, and their eldest son’s proficiency in volleyball, illustrating a family culture deeply rooted in sports.

Addressing the future, particularly the potential choice between representing Scotland or Nigeria in international football, Mrs. Matthew affirmed that the decision would ultimately lie with Nsikak. “If it gets to a point where he would have to choose between playing for the Scottish national team and Nigeria’s national team, the choice will be entirely his to make,” she stated. As parents, their role remains one of guidance and support, ensuring that Nsikak’s decisions align with his aspirations and values.

In nurturing Nsikak’s talent, the Matthew family echoes a broader philosophy on education and personal growth. “Before we got married, my husband and I enjoyed the support of our parents, and we also believe that in addition to their academic excellence, they also need extra-curricular activities to be balanced,” Mrs. Matthew affirmed. This holistic approach underscores their commitment to seeing Nsikak thrive not just as a footballer but as a well-rounded individual poised for success both on and off the field.

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