Ojude Oba Festival 2024: A Celebration of Peace, Unity, and Harmony

by Duke

The Ojude Oba Festival 2024 took place on Tuesday, June 18, in Ijebu Ode, Ogun State, Nigeria, marking a significant cultural event in the country’s calendar. This year’s edition was sponsored by Rite Foods Limited, Nigeria’s leading food and beverage company.

Themed “Ojude Oba: Peace, Unity and Harmony, Our Gifts,” the festival showcased the rich cultural heritage of the Ijebu people, which dates back to about two centuries. The event featured 90 Age Grade performances, dubbed “Regberegbe,” including both male and female groups, who competed for prizes.

The festival also saw the participation of 25 families of warlords, who showcased their dexterity in a peaceful and orderly manner. The event served as a unifying force, bringing together sons and daughters of Ijebuland, both within Nigeria and across the diaspora.

The Ojude Oba Festival 2024 was a resounding success, promoting peace, unity, and harmony among the Ijebu people and enhancing the tourism potential of the area. Visitors from far and wide witnessed the vibrant cultural display, traditional music, and dance, making it a truly unforgettable experience.

In conclusion, the Ojude Oba Festival 2024 was a celebration of the Ijebu people’s rich cultural heritage, unity, and harmony, and a testament to the power of culture to bring people together.

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