Historic Investiture of Yinka Odeajo as First Black Male President of Rotary Club of Crawley

by Duke

On July 20, 2024, the Rotary Club of Crawley marked a historic milestone with the investiture of Yinka Odeajo as its new President.

This momentous event not only celebrated Odeajo’s election but also underscored his achievement as the first Black male to lead the club. The ceremony was a significant occasion, reflecting the club’s commitment to diversity and inclusive leadership.

The investiture was conducted by AG Folashade Dumeren and attended by a distinguished assembly of dignitaries. Among those present were District Governor of District 1145, Rot Tim Vile, and his wife Fiona; Mayor of Crawley Councillor Sharmila Sivarajah; Mayor of Croydon, Cllr Kola Agboola; Leader of the Council for Reigate and Banstead, Cllr Richard Biggs; CEO of Alliance for Better Care, Dr Katherine Saunders; and CEO of Growing Health Together, Dr Gillian Orrow. Their presence underscored the importance of the event and their support for Odeajo’s leadership.

The ceremony was marked by celebratory speeches, affirmations of Odeajo’s achievements, and expressions of confidence in his ability to lead the Rotary Club of Crawley to new heights.

As the club welcomes Odeajo’s leadership, it anticipates a future characterized by innovation, growth, and enhanced community engagement. This historic investiture is not just a personal triumph for Odeajo but also a testament to the club’s evolving commitment to inclusive leadership and community service.

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