Farooq Oreagba: A Finance Tycoon and Cancer Survivor

by Duke

Farooq Oreagba is a Nigerian finance tycoon who has made a significant impact in the financial sector. He is currently the Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer of NG Clearing Limited, a financial market firm in Nigeria. Here are some key points about Farooq Oreagba:

Education and Career: Oreagba started his educational journey at Ijebu-Ode Grammar School and later attended King’s College, Lagos. He also acquired degrees from Oxford University, Coventry University, and the University of East London. He has worked in the financial sector for over four decades, holding top positions at investment and financial institutions in London, Amsterdam, and South Africa.

Leadership Roles: Oreagba has headed several global financial centers, including being the head of European Equity Derivatives at Fimat International Banque, Director of Equity Products at GNI Limited, and Head of Strategy and Business Development Directorate at the Nigerian Stock Exchange.

Cancer Survivor: Oreagba was diagnosed with bone and skin cancer in 2014 but was declared cancer-free in 2017. He actively shares his journey to counsel cancer patients and raise awareness about the disease.

Style and Tattoos: Oreagba’s sense of style and tattoos have made him a notable figure. He proudly showcased his regalia at the 2024 Ojude Oba festival, which caught the attention of many.

Family Background: Oreagba was born into the Oreagba Akeula family and has a distant relationship with the Balogun Kuku family. His ancestors made significant contributions to the development of Ijebu Ode.

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