Davido and Chioma Tie the Knot in Star-Studded Wedding

by Duke

Nigerian music superstar Davido and his longtime partner Chioma have finally tied the knot in a luxurious wedding ceremony held on June 25, 2024. The highly anticipated event was attended by high-profile guests, including Osun state governor Ademola Adeleke and Davido’s father Adedeji Adeleke.

The couple and their guests wore exquisite outfits, making the event a glamorous one. Davido’s groomsmen also wore traditional outfits, adding to the glitz and glamour of the event.

The couple received a brand-new white car as a wedding gift from a company, showing their love and support for the power couple.

Davido arrived at the wedding in a 2023 Mercedes Maybach, renowned for its luxury and exclusivity. The wedding was a celebration of love, luxury, and happiness, and we wish the couple a lifetime of joy and togetherness.

Congratulations to Davido and Chioma!

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