Championing Diversity and Empowerment Across Continents

by Duke

Chike Ukaegbu, a Nigerian-born individual, is part of a globally dispersed family of six siblings residing across five countries on four continents. His extensive travels have nurtured a deep appreciation for diverse cultures and people, inspiring his belief in the power of inclusivity to drive social and economic progress.

Educationally, Chike pursued a diverse array of disciplines. He studied Venture Capital & Investments at Stanford, completed MBA courses at UPenn, delved into Executive Leadership and Management at Cornell University, and obtained a degree in Biomedical Engineering from The City College of New York. During his time at City College, he spent seven years teaching Math and served as Entrepreneur-in-Residence for two years.

Chike’s journey began at 17 when he left Aba for UNILAG, and at 19, he moved to New York City to pursue biomedical engineering. His teaching career commenced at 25, shaping his understanding of education and community engagement.

Driven by a passion for social change, Chike became a Colin Powell Fellow on Public Policy in 2004. His commitment to tackling youth poverty and educational disparities led to the development of the HEROES Model in 2006 and the subsequent founding of Re:LIFE Inc in 2009, a nonprofit aimed at empowering at-risk youth through tech and entrepreneurship.

In 2014, he established the Education and Entrepreneurship Leadership Fund in Nigeria, providing scholarships and seed capital to students and young entrepreneurs. His dedication to diversity and inclusion led to the founding of Startup52 in 2015, a diversity-focused accelerator in NYC, which has garnered recognition for its impact on underrepresented founders.

Chike is a multifaceted individual—Educator, Entrepreneur, Investor, Humanitarian, and Biomedical Engineer—committed to empowering marginalized communities and promoting diversity in various sectors. He is a thought leader on topics such as empowerment, engagement, and inclusion, and has advised international delegations on building inclusive entrepreneurial ecosystems and supporting young founders.

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