Ayorinde Writes Book to Celebrate Filmmakers

by Duchess Magazine

Steve Ayorinde, a journalist, film critic, and two-time commissioner in Lagos State (Tourism, Arts and Culture, and Information), has just published a new book that “celebrates the landmark achievements and exceptional practitioners in the Nigerian film industry.”

The book, 30: Three Decades of the New Nigerian Cinema—A Bystander’s Verdict, is available in print, paperback, and e-copy.

A formal debut of the book will take place in March, following the general elections, according to a statement given to Saturday Beats by Patrons Media, the book’s co-publishers.

“In six chapters, this book seeks to celebrate and document some of the outstanding films, directors, actors and landmark events, which have in the past 30 years or thereabout, defined the industry we now celebrate today; without forgetting other legendary names that played their parts, but who have passed on.”

The late Peace Anyiam-Osigwe said that such a book was required to “goad the business” in the proper direction.

Anyiam-Osigwe, who founded the Africa Movies Academy Awards and served as president of the Association of Movie Producers, claimed that Nollywood needs to return to its origins, where teamwork fueled the atmosphere.

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