Jeta Amata: Filmmaker per Excellence

by Duke

Jeta Amata, a well-known Nigerian actor, was born on August 21, 1974 to Zack Amata. Jeta comes from a family of accomplished filmmakers that includes Ifoghale, Zack, and Fred Amata. He rose to prominence in the film and entertainment industries after producing and directing his debut movie at the age of 21.

The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) commissioned him to do a documentary in 2003 utilising material from his film Game of Life, which is when his work first gained international attention.

Jeta has since grown to become one of the most prominent directors to emerge from West Africa, with 53 nominations and 10 wins for cinema prizes in Africa, Europe, and the United States.

Jeta bagged a degree in theatre arts from Benue State University, Makurdi, Nigeria.

Black November, Jeta’s most recent movie, had its world premiere at the UN during the General Assembly in 2012 and was also shown at the Kennedy Centre and the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. Members of the 112th United States Congress who sponsored H.CON.RES.121, a bipartisan resolution on the Nigerian Niger Delta, were influenced by the movie.

Nine colleges in the United States, including NYU, Cornell, UCLA, and George Washington University, hosted screenings of Amata’s documentary Into the Delta about the Niger Delta’s plight.

Jeta Amata was appointed as a Goodwill Ambassador to Haiti by Michel Joseph Martelly, the president of Haiti.

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